What we do
What we do
Cascade Sci Arts develops and shares arts-led, science-informed, and tech-mediated feel-good experiences. Our work is for individuals and groups, online and in real-time.
We collaborate with artists, scientists and experts-through-lived-experience to devise events that positively enhance
mood and a sense of wellbeing.
Our Ambition is to create non-medical and non-chemical resources that allow people to feel
psychologically more at ease – right now, easily, enjoyably and effectively.

Our Mission is to research, produce and provide services, that are delightful, enjoyable, easily accessible and effective.

Our Vision is to actively develop arts-led Social Prescription interventions backed by sound

Our Objective is to mobilise the power of art to enhance good mental health.

Our Aim is to connect private individuals and healthcare professionals with creative non-medical activities designed to help people confidently and enjoyably manage their health and wellbeing.
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